Indiana High School Volleyball Coaches Association
Constitution and Bylaws

The name of this organization shall be “The Indiana High School Volleyball Coaches Association”, and is a non-profit corporation whose membership is voluntary. This corporation shall also be referred to as the “IHSVCA”, or this “Association”.


A. To promote and help maintain the highest possible standards in interscholastic volleyball and the volleyball coaching profession, and to work together for the improvement and growth of the game of volleyball in Indiana.

B. To promote harmonious relationships between school administration and coaches in their respective schools concerning the administration of the sport of volleyball.

C. To promote the holistic student-athlete through athletic and academic opportunities.

D. To have a representative group of coaches to address member concerns in the hope of creating healthier relationships between schools and creating an all-inclusive understanding of volleyball issues.

E. To promote fellowship through professional and social contacts among coaches.


Section 1. There shall be four classes of memberships in this association: active and honorary.

(a) “Active membership” status shall be available to all members that are current with membership dues.

(c) “Honorary membership” status shall be granted to a worthy candidate based on the following criteria:

(1) Nomination by the executive committee
(2) An honorary member shall not have the right to vote or hold office in this organization
(3) Honorary membership may be one year or more.

Section 2. Every active must renew his/her membership in the IHSVCA by forwarding to the Chief Financial Officer the annual dues as assessed for the ensuing year. Any member’s dues that are not received by August 30 shall have his/her membership suspended until such time as the dues are paid.

Section 3. Active and associate membership shall extend from August 1 through July 31 of the following year.


Section 1. The executive committee, by a two-thirds vote, may suspend the membership of any member whom the trustees deem to have violated the purposes of the IHSVCA as set forth in the Constitution. Furthermore, any member who engages in conduct that would bring dishonor to the IHSVCA may have his/her membership terminated by a two-thirds vote of executive committee present. Notice of any such action contemplated in this section shall be given to the member no less than ten (10) days before the meeting set for such action.

Section 2. Any member whose membership has been suspended, terminated or canceled may appeal directly to the Executive Committee for reinstatement by July 1 leading into the next academic year.

Section 3. Any member whose membership is suspended or terminated shall likewise lose any and all rights or privileges afforded members including, but not limited to, any voting rights.


Section 1. The elected officers shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Chief Financial Officer and Secretary. In addition, the immediate past President shall serve as an ex-officio officer.

Section 2. All of the above elected officers shall serve a two-year term. The offices of president shall be elected in even-numbered years; the offices of vice- president and secretary shall be elected in odd-numbered years.

Section 3. The elected officers shall be elected in their respective years by a ballot of the membership.

Section 4. In the event an officer/coordinator cannot complete the term of office, the following procedure will be followed:

(a) President: The vice-president shall assume the additional duties of the presidency. A new vice-president shall be named by the Executive Committee.

(b) Vice-president: The president shall assume the additional duties of the vice-president. A new vice-president shall be named by the Executive Committee.

(c) Secretary: The vice-president shall assume the duties of the secretary. A new secretary shall be named by the Executive Committee.

(d) Chief Financial Officer: The President shall assume the duties of the Chief Financial Officer until a new CFO can be appointed.

ARTICLE VI: Executive Committee

Section 1. The State of Indiana shall be divided into five (5) geographical districts. Each geographical district shall be represented to serve as a member of the Executive Committee. Additionally, there shall be one IBVCA (Indiana Boys’ Volleyball Coaches Association) representative to serve on the Executive Committee. The Committee will also include the President, Vice-President, Chief Financial Officer and Secretary.

Section 2. Management of the affairs of the Association shall be vested in the Association’s officers. POINT OF EMPHASIS – the Executive Committee has the right to vote on all motions. The President shall be the deciding vote on tie-breaking procedures.

Section 3. All Executive Committee members must be active members of the Association.

Section 4. The Executive Committee shall have complete control and management of the affairs, funds and properties of the Association.

(a) No member of this Association is to be held legally liable for the actions or properties of the Association.

Section 5. The Executive Committee shall meet no less than four (4) times each year, to-wit: at the Fall Volleyball Clinic, at the State Volleyball Tournament, at the Winter Work Session meeting and Spring Volleyball Clinic. The president or a majority of the Executive Committee may call special meetings.


Section 1. The annual meeting of the Association shall be held during the Fall Volleyball Clinic.

Section 2. A quorum shall consist of the active members present. Due notice of the annual meeting shall be given to all members in good standing.


Section 1. Any proposed amendment to the Constitution of the IHSVCA shall be submitted in writing to an Executive Committee member prior to any regular or called meeting of the Executive Committee.

Section 2. Any proposed amendment(s), together with the opinion of the Executive Committee, shall be presented at the annual meeting of the Association. A two-thirds majority of the members present shall be necessary for adoption. No action may be taken on any proposed amendment at any meetings other than the Annual Meeting. Exceptions may be considered by the Executive Committee.


Section 1. Any Officer or Executive Committee member engaged by the IHSVCA who has failed to fulfill the assigned duties or who have violated the purposes of the IHSVCA as set forth in the Constitution and Bylaws may be removed at any time in any of the following ways:

(a) by a three fourths vote of the Executive Committee
(b) by a three fourths vote of the general active membership present at the annual meeting


Section 1. Being a non-profit organization, the Association will adhere to the following items:

(a) The Association will only pursue the purposes listed in Section 501c (3) of the IRS Code.

(b) The Association will not carry on any activities that do not fall under the specifications of Section 501c (3) of the IRS Code.

(c) That upon dissolution of the Association, any funds will be transferred to the IHSVCA to distribute to another organization that promotes volleyball and qualifies as being exempt as listed under Section 501c(3) of the IRS Code. If no such organization exists at the time of the Association’s disillusionment, then any remaining assets will be distributed to another organization that promotes high school athletics and meets the requirements as stated in Section 501c(3) of the IRS Code.



Section 1. The annual membership fee shall be $35.00 for all active or associate members.

Section 2. Any change in membership fees must be approved by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee present at the meeting.


Section 1. The Executive Committee of the IHSVCA are to be compensated at the current IRS rate per mile one way to the IHSVCA meetings designated in Article VI, Section 4. Invited guests may be compensated at the same rate as the Executive Committee of the IHSVCA.

Section 2. Meals may be provided at the meetings at the expense of the IHSVCA.

Section 3. The President or a member designated by the president may receive expense money to attend the National High School Athletic Coaches Association Convention, the National Federation of Interscholastic Coaches Association Convention, the AVCA Convention or any other national convention where he/she represents the IHSVCA.

A. Section 4. The Executive Committee and invited guests of the IHSVCA may be reimbursed for lodging and meals when attending required meetings. Contracted positions may be reimbursed for lodging when required attendance at meetings necessitates an overnight stay.
B. Section 5. The Chief Financial Officer and President must approve any reimbursements.

The projects of this Association shall include, but not be limited to:
A. The selection of player all-state teams
B. State finalist awards
C. State all-star matches
D. Coaches’ awards (milestones, coach of the year, etc.)
E. Website
F. Memberships
G. State coaches clinic (fall/spring)
H. Academic Achievement Certificates for team and individual winners
I. Hall of Fame
J. Awards for State Championship Coaches
K. State Banquet
L. Coaches Education
M. AVCA High School affiliation


The usual order of business may be as follows:
A. Call to order by the president
B. Reading and disposal of the minutes
C. Report of the officers
D. Report from the IHSAA
E. Report of the executive secretary
F. Report of the project coordinators
G. Old business
H. New business and resolutions
I. Adjournment


Section 1. The executive committee will be presided over by the president of the IHSVCA.

Section 2. The executive committee will consist of the President, Vice-president, Chief Financial Officer, Secretary, Past President and 5 district representatives. The elected Executive Committee members will serve for a term of 2 years and be elected at the spring meeting of the Executive Committee. Two members will be elected in even number years and one will be elected in odd numbered years. The Past President shall be a non-voting member of this committee.

Section 3. The Officers are empowered to act on behalf of the Association and IHSVCA at such times when emergency action must be taken and all of the Executive Committee cannot convene in meeting. Any action so taken shall be presented for ratification to the Executive Committee at the first meeting following such action.

Section 4. This Executive Committee reviews and approves the yearly budget to be presented at the fall clinic meeting to the Association.


Section 1. Any changes or amendments to the Bylaws of the IHSVCA shall be made upon majority approval of the Executive Committee during any of its regular or special meetings.

Section 2. Any active member who wishes to propose a change or amendment to the Bylaws of the IHSVCA shall submit the proposal in writing to the Executive Committee no less than ten (10) days before the next meeting of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall have the right to reword any such proposal in order that the same is made consistent with existing Bylaws.


Section 1. Persons interested in running for office must contact the vice-president of his/her intent to run for office prior to February 1.

Section 2. Names shall appear on the ballot listed in alphabetical order during even years and reverse alphabetical order during odd years.


Section 1. If a meeting is cancelled or postponed, voting can be done online within two weeks of the original meeting date.

Bylaws updated January 16, 2017