Home Team Responsibilities
Scorer’s table (It is not the responsibility of the officials to train this crew. It’s your job as a coach to make sure they are qualified to do their jobs.
Libero tracker (even if your team is not using a libero)
Scoreboard operator
- Stay focused and follow the up official’s hand signal for point.
- Bring excitement to the contest by being energetic on the mic.
- Promote upcoming schedule
- Promote upcoming school events including other sports schedules.
- Play upbeat music in between sets. Remember there are older adults in the crowd. You want them to come back and watch your team play again and again$$$
- Be respectful of your opponent when playing pre-match warm-up music.
- P.A. Announcing tutorial – https://ihsvca.com/volleyball-p-a-announcing-tutorial/
Lines people
- Updated rules for lines people – https://www.nfhs.org/articles/line-judge-procedure-modified-in-high-school-volleyball/
3 – Ball Rotation Crew
- Use it to keep matches running smoothly, maintain your momentum on the court and to get out of the gym earlier.
- How to use a 3-ball rotation – https://ihsvca.com/3-ball-rotation/
- Most coaches like to record matches from the endline. It is best way to see your players and opponents positioning on every play. It is considered the best view for scouting.
Stats that make a big difference – https://www.hudl.com/blog/data-driven-using-volleyball-stats-to-drive-success
- Hitting percentage
- Serving percentage
- Pass quality rating
- Serve quality rating