This is where coaches can pepper four referees with any questions they may have, including, but not limited to:
– What’s your thoughts on the current state of ball handling?
– What are referees’ biggest challenges during a match?
– What are coaches and players doing that are making referees enjoy (or not enjoy) their duties? …and more.
We are making four referees available, including IHSAA State Volleyball Rules Interpreter William Bastin and Head Clinician Matt Knezevich (both multiple state finals referees), for the Virtual Town Hall (Zoom) on August 7 at 7:30pm. While we will be distributing to coaches who have requested such an event, we were hoping you could also distribute this information and, perhaps, promote it on various channels (but let’s keep the parents away, ha-ha).
Please complete the form below if you are interested in “peppering with an official”. Those you register will receive the link to the Zoom call prior to August 7th. This could be a fun experience for all.
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